Written by: Luis G. Lizcano/ Pamela Arellano

Produced by: Korinna Barrera, Director of proyects for WDM 

Key Strategies:

1.- Promotion and development of internal and external markets, defining our niches and creating the instruments to support our con continuous growth.

2.- Strengthen and develop our aerospace industry capabilities with a linked Supply Chain. Develop local suppliers and encourage cluster development throughout Mexico.

3.- The development of the necessary human assets of the industry, with well defined technical and training programs and education-industry links.

4.-Development of the necessary technology including specialized clusters, new areas of technology, R&D labs and development of new materials.

5.- Development of the public-private programs required to assist the growth of the industry, with an institutional frame, Governmental leadership, incentives and financing, international covenants and including infrastructure, certifications required by the industry, logistics and technical centers.

Milestones to be reached:

*The establishment of a formal coordination and administrative-management mechanism between industry and government.

*Active manufacturing participation in international programs to access new technologies and markets.

*To enact the establishment of a formal “buy-local” strategic program.

*The establishment and implementation of “industrial cooperation” compensation systems to benefit corportions established in the country.

*To create specific support and incentive programs for the aerospace sector.

*An access to a specific financial line for the aerospace industry.

*The Opening of a Proof Testing Aerospace Lab to service the industry.

*To design, to develop, to manufacture and to assemble an engine module.

*To support the assembly of the first series airplane with 50% local content.

* To place our country as the first aerospace service HUB in Latin-America.

Goals though 2020:

*To be within the 10 largest suppliers of the aerospace industry in the world in exports.

*To reach over $12 billion USD in exports a year.

*To have over 110,000 workers in the aerospace business.

*To reach 50% of local content in our raw materials and products in the aerospace industry.


*Mexico is amongst the 14 largest countries in the world with an active aerospace industry.

*Large supplier of OEMs, Tier1 and Tier 2 corporations in this sector, with over 300 suppliers of spare parts, raw materials and specialized machining for the aerospace industry.

*We are targeting to get as many producers of raw materials of the aerospace industry to increase our national content.

*Mexico`s (DGAC) and U.S. (FAA) signed the Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA), where the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recognizes the General Direction of Civil Aeronautics of Mexico (DGAC) as an Agency with full capacity to certify.

*Mexico joined the Wassenaar Arrangement December 2011, this global multilateral arrangement on export controls for conventional weapons and sensitive dual-use goods and technologies. Mexico will soon be joining the Nuclear Supply Agreement, the Australia Group and the Missile Technology Control Regime.

*Over 5.4 billion U.S. dollars of export of goods and services in this sector are a result of more than 266 different industrial processes in 2012, with a 24% increase.

*Mexico has free trade agreements with 44 countries in the world, which gives corporations a virtual free or lower tariff operational environment.

*Mexico is the lowest cost country of NAFTA, with great logistic advantages form its unique geographical location, closest to the largest market in the world; enjoying the same time zone and industrial practices.

*Mexico has showed extraordinary manufacturing flexibility, proving attractive prototype fabrication abilities.

Related articles:

FEMIA - Editorial version in Spanish 

FEMIA - Corporate brochure 

FEMIA in Manufacturing Global
