Colby Mayberry

Colby Mayberry

Director of Logistics APAC at Terex

Colby Mayberry, Director of Logistics APAC at Terex, is helping to oversee Terex’s digital transformation in supply chain...

Colby Mayberry is Director of Logistics APAC at Terex. He has experience of working in several different markets such as North America, Europe and now Asia. Mayberry recognises that each market poses a different challenge. “One of the biggest things that I’ve learned is that if you had a strategy six months ago in China then it’s no longer valid,” says Mayberry. “This is due to the speed that the market changes. You have to be quick, dynamic and on your feet to adapt to the requirements of the market. You can’t afford to just assume it’s a phase and will go away like in other markets.”

That proactive and agile approach is a key pillar to Mayberry as he and his team comes up with all sorts of creative solutions to adapt to the ever changing environment. “We could have a simple problem such as the wifi being down but within 20 minutes everyone has their phones out hot-spotting,” explains Mayberry. “I find that kind of thing extremely encouraging because it shows you don’t need to have a bar chart on everything. Sometimes, the best solutions are determining what needs to be fixed, testing the solution and making it all work out.”

Mayberry began his career at Fluke Corporation in 2010, where he worked in several different roles such as Purchasing Support/Tech, Buyer/Planner, Operations Analyst and North America Materials Manager. In 2014, he became Manager Logistics Strategic Projects at Genie Industries, before joining Terex initially as Senior Materials Manager in 2016 before becoming Director of Logistics, Asia Pacific, and finally Director of Logistics, APAC, in 2019.

As a seasoned lean practitioner, Mayberry utilises lean techniques that impacts both internal and external company metrics. He is an extremely detail driven individual that leads teams to success through the creation of sustainable processes to drive improvements in key areas. Mayberry offers a unique combination of supply chain nous and data analysis skills that possess the ability to develop visual management reporting that delivers results.

Read the Terex story in the brochure 


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