Steve Farr

Steve Farr

Chief Digital Officer at OneMagnify

Chief Digital Officer at OneMagnify

Since 2019, Stephen (Steve) Farr has been the Chief Digital Officer of performance marketing and technology partner OneMagnify. The organisation, based in the US in Detroit, Michigan, seeks to help manufacturers supercharge their marketing through data, AI and wider digital transformation, rebranding to attract the next generation of talent.

A leading digital marketing and analytics expert, Steve is well-placed in his current role. His 25-year-long career has spanned the automotive industry, academia and financial services. Agile and adaptable, Steve has excelled everywhere from ad agencies to colossal Fortune 10 companies and start-ups. He’s built high-performing teams and led innovative marketing strategies at global brands, including DuPont, GE, Whirlpool, Toyota and Ford. 

A passionate advocate for AI, Steve is fascinated by all things data, and passionate about transforming insights into customer knowledge and understanding. His marketing philosophy is both people-centric and scientific, centring experimentation, quantitative analysis and quantifiable results in the quest to foster superior connection. His specialities include AI, Software development, content and digital marketing, growth hacking, predictive modelling and selling software-as-a-service. 

Contemplative and perceptive, Steve has helped a myriad of companies including manufacturers streamline their marketing operations and achieve pivotal results. 

He intimately understands the challenges facing the global manufacturing sector, from the hiring and digital skills gap to the emergence of a new economic model to the uncertainties of rapid digital transformation.

OneMagnify, driven by his talent and experience, will help manufacturers confidently address these challenges, through data-driven strategy and increased customer knowledge. Steve’s decision to join OneMagnify was influenced by his role in the company’s acquisition of Vertigee Corporation- which he founded back in 2012. A prized accomplishment, Steve led Vertigee to success for seven long years, before selling it in 2019 to move into his current role. 

Before this Steve served as the Corporate Vice President of Insight & Development at Outsell, a customer engagement platform for the automotive industry. Steve remained in this role across four years, gaining critical insight and expertise in the sector. Earlier in his career Steve also held senior roles at Global Digital Agency Wunderman and IHS Markit. 

In 1994 Steve acquired his Bachelor's in Economics from the University of Michigan and later in 1997 graduated summa cum laude with a Master's in Economics focusing on Industrial Organisation from Oregon State University. Shortly after gaining these qualifications, he was recruited by General Electric Capital, spending two pivotal years there as a marketing analyst.

Steve has been a major contributor to OneMagnify’s exceptional service, success with clients and positive community involvement. The customer experience partner is involved in a host of key community initiatives throughout Detroit including the Detroit Creative Corridor Revitalisation, Live Downtown games, Experience IT,  Connect After 5, and Campus Martius Park. OneMagnify continues to invest in local charitable causes and celebrate its long history of corporate support and sponsorship. 

As OneMagnify’s Chief Digital Officer, Steve continues to look to the future, excited by the marketing possibilities of emerging technologies like AI and machine learning and the ways industries like manufacturing can use them strategically to create incredible new value.

Read the full story HERE.


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OneMagnify Office in Detroit
OneMagnify Office in Wilmington

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