Schneider Electric calls for universal industrial automation

By Georgia Wilson
Schneider Electric calls for industry collaboration and universal industrial automation, as it unveils several Industries of the Future innovations...

Schneider Electric - a leader in energy management digital transformation and automation - has called for stronger industry collaboration and universal industrial automation, coinciding with its unveiling of several ‘Industries of the Future’ innovations.

The shift towards digitalisation

Believing that with universal automation, digital energy, and innovation, will allow industrial enterprises to achieve sustainability goals, Schneider Electric says that this will drive global economic recovery while safeguarding the natural environment.

“Industry is undergoing a massive paradigm shift further toward digitalisation. We’ve witnessed advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, and machine learning, and other innovations, but their full potential can’t be realised within closed industrial systems. To reach the next level of efficiency, resiliency and sustainability, we must be bold. It’s time to reimagine what is possible when industries embrace interoperable technology and partnerships. With universal automation and our recently expanded capabilities that are delivered through the combination of operational data management and industrial software, we continue our commitment to being open, agnostic partners to our customers, enabling them to gain the agility and resilience they need to thrive in the post-pandemic world,” said Peter Herweck, Executive Vice President of Industrial Automation at Schneider Electric.

Calling for stronger industry collaboration and universal industrial automation

Demanding stronger industry collaboration, Schneider Electric urges industrial enterprises to embrace universal automation, sustainable efficiency, and digitalisation in order to boost global economic recovery and advance manufacturing and process.

With this in mind Schneider Electric is challenging the industry to “advance the underlying technology model” in order to meet the modern agility and resilience demands.

“Open automation, as it exists today, is not open enough as companies are bound by automation solutions that prioritise vendor lock-in rather than innovation. By contrast, universal automation is the world of interoperable, ‘plug and produce’ automation software components, enabled by the IEC61499 standard,” says Schneider Electric.

“Portable application software is an essential enabler for next-generation industries, capable of unlocking step-change improvements in efficiency and sustainability impossible a decade ago. EcoStruxure Automation Expert is Schneider Electric’s first offer based on the universal automation vision.”

To find out more about Schneider Electric’s latest offerings and partnerships, click here!

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