Recent significant manufacturing people-moves

Recent significant manufacturing people-moves
There have been people-moves across TT Electronics, High Value Manufacturing Catapult, Merit, Airbus, Ericsson and Atos
Peter France

1. Peter France

Job From: ASCO Group, Group CEO

Job To: TT Electronics, CEO

“I would like to thank all of my colleagues for their adoption of our fundamental obsessions, safety and service excellence and sustainability.”

Peter France has taken on the role as CEO of electronics manufacturer TT Electronics, after ASCO was acquired by Endless LLP. France says that it has been a privilege to lead the business for the past five years. ASCO will now run under the ownership of his successor, Mike Pettigrew. 

“I would like to thank all of my colleagues for their hard work and support over the years and especially for their adoption of our fundamental obsessions, safety and service excellence and sustainability. I would like to say a special thank you to my management team. It would not have been possible without their dedication and hard work. I could not have wished for a better team!”

France reports that he is looking forward to the new challenges at TT Electronics, but ASCO will ‘always be close to my heart’.

Yves Bernaert

2. Yves Bernaert

Job From: Accenture Technology, Executive

Job To: Atos, CEO

Digital transformation leader Atos has announced it has appointed former Accenture Technology executive Yves Bernaert as its new CEO.

A leader with proven expertise in the technology and digital transformation industries, Atos said Bernaert’s first mission will be to successfully complete the next stages of the group’s transformation plan.

Christian Scherer

3. Christian Scherer

Job From: Airbus Chief Commercial Officer

Job To: Commercial Aircraft business CEO, Airbus

This appointment will ensure dedicated operational focus for Airbus, allowing the Airbus CEO to focus on the strategic, global and transformational agenda of Airbus.

“It is an honour and a thrill to be called upon to lead our Commercial Aircraft business at such a critical time for our industry,” said Scherer.

Chris Houghton

4. Chris Houghton

Job From: Senior Vice President and Head of Market Area North East Asia, Ericsson

Job To: Chief Operating Officer, Ericsson

Chris Houghton, who is currently Senior Vice President, Market Area North East Asia, has worked at Ericsson for over three decades. He has deep institutional knowledge across key markets and operational areas of the business. In his new role, Houghton will manage cross group initiatives and ongoing cost efficiency initiatives.

Steve Smith

5. Steve Smith

Job From: Estimating and Technical Procurement Director, Merit

Job To: Manufacturing Director, Merit

“Embracing innovation and driving the future of construction is not just a vision; it’s our commitment,” said Smith. “As Manufacturing Director at Merit, I am honoured to lead a team dedicated to revolutionising the industry. Together, we will build a brighter, more efficient tomorrow for our customers and the world of construction.”

Steve Bagshaw

6. Steve Bagshaw

Job From: CPI, Director

Job To: Chair, High Value Manufacturing Catapult

Bagshaw was the General Manager and CEO of Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies for 13 years. 

He was awarded a CBE for services to the manufacturing and biotechnology sector in 2020.

“A fundamental role of HVM Catapult is making sure innovative manufacturing businesses of every scale get the help they need to succeed.”


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